Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Promotion update!

      I want to personally thank everyone who helped out in promoting my ebooks, Madness in a Recession and A Murder For A Murder September: 11th 2026. The free promotion went very well for both and I hope and pray that one of them was a publisher and pretty soon I'll be getting a call very soon. Nothing would make my life more complete than seeing my work in print and in the hands of millions of readers. Promotion is the key to any new and up and coming artist whatever their field is. I urge whom ever is still trying to get their voice heard, there's only one course of action for trying to get your voice heard.
      Promotion! I saved up money to have my amazon page show for months on Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. I will warn you you won't get your money back more than likely but in the end, it's all about word of mouth. In the end, it's all about getting your name out there, let people know who you are and how to find you. Promotion is key and if you want to get the foot in the door, that's how you put one foot infront of the other. Thank you for all my fans and friends, love you all and goodnight.

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