Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to say "I Love You."

Don't say "I love you"
with a serpent's tongue.
Spreading your false energy
through my veins -- that's worse than
any venom and murders the heart the quickest.

Don't say "I love you"
like a child does a toy,
something that is to be enjoyed
for a short period time and then discarded
without a care for the one who is used
and will be left alone in dark misery.

Don't say "I love you"
at all.

Give that person a gift
at an unexpected time,
and give it for no reason.

Kiss that person,
not with lustful intentions
but with meaningful ones.

Do something for that person,
not because they asked
but because you want to for them.

Be there for that person
no matter what the reason,
even when they don't want you to.

Look each other in the eyes
and enjoy that moment of silence,
that moment where words have no purpose.

Finally, hold that hand.
That is always the first step
and will always be the most important one.

If you want to say "I love you"
and actually mean it.
Then don't say it at all.

Excerpt from Madness in a Recession, available in print and on Amazon.
Happy Valentine's Day!

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